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Archives: October
OCTOBER 31, 2001 New internet only part two save your hands 'cube commercial. It sucks. OCTOBER 30, 2001 Got the full fledged SSBM wallpaper together. Check it out. 3 new Pikmin movies thanks to www.ign.com. see them here OCTOBER 29, 2001 I've made a new handmade wallpaper depicting about half of the cast of SSBM. See it here. In gamecube news IBM is gonna release their Microdrive for the Gamecube. Thanks to www.planetgamecube.com for the news. Full Story. OCTOBER 28, 2001 Ok everybody no rushin. I just got a hot off the press interview with Vyse of Skies of Arcadia. Check it out here. OCTOBER 27, 2001 Got some some new sega gamecube game wallpapers. Check it out here. Also gonna kick off the celebration of one of the best dreamcast games coming to gamecube with a review of it. Gonna be done sometime next week. OCTOBER 25, 2001 Nintendo has a new internet only 'cube commercial. Check it out here. OCTOBER 23, 2001 k. Got some new vengeance movies. pretty cool shows batmans new utility belt and gadgets. i suggest you check it out. thanks to www.ign.com . full story OCTOBER 21, 2001 Sorry no update but i've been addicted to finishing off Skies of Arcadia which i stopped playing like last December. Whatever. Well i added a new sidebar column to hopefully make us look more "professional". Gotta add some color to the sidebars though, oh well. So in Gamecube News (i know this is kinda late) Skies of Arcadia is coming to the 'cube. Does this mean the alleged Skies of Arcadia 2 is going there as well? Hopefully so keep your fingers crossed. OCTOBER 18, 2001 Yo everybody. IDENTITYCRISIS has got a new Super Monkey Ball preview up. Man i just love monkeys rolling around in spheres collecting dole bananas. just love them. Also check out my Simpson's Road Rage preview. car bashing and crazy taxi imitating. OCTOBER 16, 2001 K. I've set myself up in a few top 100 lists so vote away. and i'm almost done with the simps. road rage preview. and identity crisis will be doing either a metroid prime or super monkey ball preview. Well in other news Nintendo Gamecube's first commercial is airing on WB. Impressions and video footage inside. OCTOBER 14, 2001 OK everybody i got a new poll set up. Vote on Baby. And i'm gonna start a Simpsons Road Rage preview. Man that game looks tight. OCTOBER 13, 2001 What can I say besides WOW. IdentityCrisis'es new story is amazing. Check it out here OCTOBER 12, 2001 Batman Vengeance to ship 9 days after launch. Full story. OCTOBER 11, 2001 Decided to skip the backgrounds and just leave it white. And our new staff member indeed is an Identity crisis. I would like you to meet IDENTITYCRISIS. We'll have his first story up in while. If you want to take a gander at that system we had grown to love (no not the dreamcast) the N64 than his article will please you. Oh yeah got the new layout. Gonna see if it works. OCTOBER 10, 2001 Oh yeah. There might not be an update for a while cause i'm gonna make a new layout. See ya. OCTOBER 10, 2001 Well i'm working on some new banners and i'm trying to affiliate with some other great gamecube site. And i think topkap is having an identity crisis. I'm not sure if he's topkap or funkymonkeyor some other monkey con. Whatever the important thing to know is that he's joined the site. He might do editorials or previews. Not sure yet. Also gonna fix up the new background. OCTOBER 9, 2001 Okay everybody as you see i've changed the background. it's kind of sloppy but i rushed on the paint program. anyways this is just one step closer to version 2 of this site. just a new layout and some more sections to go. Also got a links to us section up for all those other sites that want to affiliate with us. And i think i'm going to screw the wave race preview for just a bit. I'm also prob. gonna have a staff member pretty soon. he emailed me wanting to join. his name is topkap. gotta see if he's eligible. OCTOBER 7, 2001 VIP cube club rolls in the celebs. Full story OCTOBER 6, 2001 Star fox has barely been seen? Full story OCTOBER 6, 2001 Almost done with the Wave Race preview. Might be done tonight. OCTOBER 4, 2001 Win a Nintendo Gamecube! full story OCTOBER 3, 2001 Sorry no update ya'll. but for not updating you guys should have a wave race preview by next week. (just gotta find time, though)
FEATURES PREVIEWS EDITORIALS How Nintendo can succeed with the US launch of the Gamecube A Look at the Gamecube's Little Bro