We Are "Born To Play" |
Archives: September September 29, 2001 There done with the SSMB preview. phew. took a while. GAMECUBEMASTR September 29, 2001 Almost done with the super smash bros. review. should have it done by tonight. check later for an update. GAMECUBEMASTR September 28, 2001 Hey peeps. Gonna add the super smash bros. preview over the weekend. it's gonna be looonnggg. well see ya. GAMECUBEMASTR September 27, 2001 Sorry no update. I've been checking out tripod's features and adding my site to search engines. Tripod's pretty sweet. ya know. GamecubeMastr September 25, 2001 Gamecube Elite has begun its official life. Thanks to tripod.com for giving us a free web server that supports the Front Page Extensions. Check them out there a pretty sweet web site. Even if you don't have a website builder they'll give you one for free. GamecubeMastr
FEATURES PREVIEWS EDITORIALS How Nintendo can succeed with the US launch of the Gamecube A Look at the Gamecube's Little Bro